My Distraction - Gear We Used

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With everything going on in the world I needed to find a distraction to take my mind of things for a little bit. The garage for some reason seems to be my happy place these days. I keep finding myself out there, even just to sweep dust. Weird? Maybe, but everything is a bit strange these days.

I wanted to make a photo background out of torched oak, similar to the wood torched wall we did in our previous studio. I didn’t want to make a step by step tutorial so instead I decided to make a short film called “My Distraction”. You can find the film here:

You can find a bit more of a step by step on making your own backgrounds in this video.


If you watched the BTS video, you have probably found yourselves on this post looking for the lights we talked about in the video. Below is a list of the gear we used to light the film!

Aputure 120D

Neewer Softbox

Impact Ready Cool Lights

Godox SL200

Aputure Light Dome Mini

Paul C Buff Alien Bee 1600

Strip Box

Sync Cable

You can find a complete list of the gear we use to shoot photos and make videos here.