This is a portfolio of the video series we’ve been creating for our YouTube channel.

Home & DIY


The Home Reno Series

Making a renovation show was something both Chris and I wanted to do since 2014 (more here), but we wanted to do it in our own way. We decided to document and produce our own show for our YouTube channel showing the realities of what it actually takes to renovate a house yourself! This is an ongoing series with additional videos documenting behind the scenes, tutorials, and the Aftershow Edition of our podcast Tuxedo Time.

Sleepy Creek Campsite Build Series

Building a Nordic-style cabin had been our dream for years. However, amidst significant life changes, our search for Canadian crown land was put on hold. During the 2020 lockdown in Buffalo, New York, we reignited our quest. After three years of deliberation, we opted to create a personal campsite first to acquaint ourselves with the land. Join us in this vlog series documenting our woodland builds.


Helicopter Travel Series


Heading West: Journey To Overhaul

In this 6-episode travel series, we explore the journey that unfolds as a helicopter nears the end of its lifespan. Covering over 2500 nautical miles from Buffalo, NY to Torrance, CA, we deliver the Millennial Falcon to the Robinson Factory for Overhaul. This three-week expedition, undertaken in a small helicopter, is filled with adventures, lessons, and delays along the way.


Heading: NORTH 2022

Our first dedicated camping trip! A 5 episode laid back series documenting a week long camping trip to the Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada

Heading: EAST 2021

We decided to take on another helicopter trip exploring New England. We created a 5 episode travel series with additional 6 videos documenting gear, lessons, and behind the scenes videos.


Cold Island 2019

We took our biggest and most gruelling trip yet, we flew our helicopter (the Millennial Falcon) back to the Island of Newfoundland, Canada, and filmed a 6 episode docu-style travel series called Cold Island.