Ep 34 Buying A House, File Management, Tools, and Injury Count


Home Reno Series Aftershow

We launched episode one of The Home Reno series on our main YouTube channel last weekend. In the first episode we take you house hunting with us and discuss our wishlist and thoughts on each house while hunting for our dream home. In today’s Aftershow Edition of the podcast we’re talking about what it was like editing a series in 2022 with footage we shot back in 2018! We talk about the challenges brought on by filming a house you are also trying to buy! We also break down our file management, how we kept track of 5 years of footage.

We also answer some of YOUR questions from the comment section! Questions about buying in todays market, what tools are worth buying, upcoming projects, and how many injury’s we’ve endured so far!

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The Home Reno Series

What is the Aftershow Edition?

Welcome to a limited series of the podcast called the Aftershow Edition, where we deep dive on behind the scenes of our latest large project on our main channel. Over the next 4 weeks we will be discussing each episode of our home renovation series in detail, and answer some audience questions!

The announcement video

QUESTIONS we answered

“Looking back at a year plus of footage what do you wish you shot differently? When editing, what have you noticed about your filmmaking style that has changed?”

If we had our time back, we would have used this formula for each house!

“How would you feel about buying in todays market?”

“What are the tools for woodworking worth buying vs renting? Also, safety gear that goes with them!”

“Will you extend your renovations to include new buildings on your property like a workshops, sheds etc?”

“When did you start finding furry friends?”

“What’s the injury count so far?”

“What’s your process for figuring out the scale of the work you envisioned for each house?”

“How many times did Chris rip one during this whole process?”

“Is this potentially the for good home for Becki and Chris?”